Pesach VII (Getting Ready for the Lord's Return)

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Pesach VII (Getting Ready for the Lord's Return)
April 27, 2024 - Nisan 19, 5784
Deuteronomy 15:19-16:17; Isaiah 10:32-12:6 John 20:15-20

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Metzorah- Leper (Spiritual Warfare Part 4)

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Metzorah- Leper (Spiritual Warfare Part 4)
April 20, 2024 - Nisan 12, 5784
Leviticus 14:1-15:33; Malachi 3:4-24(4:6); Matthew 17:9-13

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Tazria – She Will Conceive/Leper (Spiritual Warfare Part 3)

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Tazria – She Will Conceive/Leper (Spiritual Warfare Part 3)
April 13, 2024 - Nisan 5, 5784
Leviticus 12:1 – 13:59; II Kings 4:42-5:19; Matthew 17:9-15

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Shemini - Eight (Spiritual Warfare Part 2)

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Shemini - Eight (Spiritual Warfare Part 2)
April 6, 2024 - Nisan 12, 5784
Leviticus 9:1-11:47; 2 Samuel 6:1-7:17; Luke 22:1-13

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Tzav - Command (Spiritual Warfare Part I)

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Tzav - Command (Spiritual Warfare Part I)
March 30, 2024 - 20 Adar II, 5784
Leviticus 6:1-8:36; Jeremiah 7:21-8:3, 9:22-23; John 11:47-56

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VaYikra/Purim - Insights & Reflections

Saturday, March 23, 2024

VaYikra/Purim - Insights & Reflections
March 23, 2024, II Adar 20, 5784
Leviticus 1:1-5:26; I Samuel 15:1-34; Mark 6:14-29; Esther

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Guest Speaker Rabbi Shapira: The Fall of Edom 2

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Guest Speaker Rabbi Shapira: The Fall of Edom part 2
March 16, 2024 - Adar II 6, 5784

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Guest Speaker Rabbi Shapira: The Fall of Edom

Saturday, March 9, 2024

Guest Speaker Rabbi Shapira: The Fall of Edom
March 9, 2024 - Adar I 29, 5784

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Ki Tisa – When You Take (Atonement and Awakenings)

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Ki Tisa – When You Take (Atonement and Awakenings)
March 2, 2024 – Adar I 22, 5784
Exodus 30:11-34:35; I Kings 18:1-39; Mark 9:1-10

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Tetzaveh – You Shall Command (War and the Third Temple)

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Tetzaveh – You Shall Command (War and the Third Temple)
February 24, 2024 – Adar 15, 5784
Exodus 27:20-30:10; Ezekiel 43:10-27; Matthew 5:13-20

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Terumah – Heave Offering (Are We Experiencing God?)

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Terumah – Heave Offering (Are We Experiencing God?)
February 17, 2024 – Adar 18, 5784
Exodus 25:1-27:19;I kings 5:26(12)-6:13; Mark 12:35-44

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Mishpatim - The Judgments (The Law and the End of Days!)

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Mishpatim - The Judgments (The Law and the End of Days!)
February 10, 2024 - 1 Adar 1, 5784
Exodus 21:1-27:19; Jeremiah 34:8-22;33:25-26; Mark 9:40-50

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Yitro - Jethro (The Importance of One)

Saturday, February 3, 2024

Yitro - Jethro (The Importance of One)
February 3, 2024 - Shevat 24, 5784
Exodus 18:1-20:23; Isaiah 6:1-7:6; Matthew 19:16-26

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Beshalach - Sent Out (Proclaiming the End at the Red Sea)

Saturday, January 27, 2024

Beshalach - Sent Out (Proclaiming the End at the Red Sea)
January 27, 2024 – Shevat 17 5784
Exodus 13:17-17:16; Judges 4:4-5:31; Matthew 14:22-33

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Bo - Come

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Bo - Come
January 20, 2024 - Shevat 10, 5784
Exodus 10:1 - 13:16; Jeremiah 46:13-28; John 19:31-36

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Va'Yera - And I Appeared (The Lord and the 1st & 2nd Redemption)

Saturday, January 13, 2024

Va'Yera - And I Appeared (The Lord and the 1st & 2nd Redemption)
January 13, 2024 - Shevat 3, 5784
Exodus 6:2–9:35; Ezekiel 28:25–29:21; Luke 11:14–22

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Shemot - Names

Saturday, January 6, 2024

Shemot - Names
January 6, 2024 - Tevet 25, 5784
Exodus 1:1-6:1; Isaiah 27:6-28:13;29:22-23; Luke 11:14-22

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VaYechi – And He Lived (Are You An Ambassador?)

Saturday, December 30, 2023

VaYechi – And He Lived (Are You An Ambassador?)
December 30, 2023 - Tevet 18, 5784
Genesis 47:28-50:26; I kings 2:1-12; John 13:1-19

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Guest Speaker David Nekrutman: Responsible Freedom

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Guest Speaker David Nekrutman
December 23, 2023 - Tevet 11, 5784

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Miketz - At the End

Saturday, December 16, 2023

Miketz - At the End
December 16, 2023 - Tevet 5, 5784
Genesis 41–44:17; 1 Kings 3:15–4:1; Luke 24:13–29

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