View videos about the Torah, as presented by Sherry Lush of Alpha Omega Ministries.
Saturday, February 8, 2025
Join Alpha and Omega Ministries featuring Sherry Lush as we explore the Torah Portion Beshalach (Exodus 13:17-17:16) and its prophetic significance. This teaching reveals how Israel's journey out of Egypt symbolizes our call to leave behind the world's system and walk in freedom through Messiah. Discover key scriptural insights from Judges, Matthew, Romans, Ephesians, and Revelation that highlight the battle for spiritual renewal, the importance of faith, and God's deliverance. Don't miss this deep dive into prophecy, spiritual warfare, and God's plan for His people! #TorahPortionBeshalach #AlphaAndOmegaMinistries #SherryLush #BibleStudy #SpiritualFreedom #Exodus #FaithAndDeliverance #BiblicalProphecy #OneNewMan #WalkInFaith #SpiritualWarfare #FreedomInMessiah #IsraelitesJourney #LeavingEgypt #GodsPlan #ChristianTeaching #PropheticWord #ScriptureStudy #SpiritualRenewal
Saturday, February 1, 2025
Join Sherry Lush from Alpha and Omega Ministries as she explores Torah Portion Bo, revealing the deep connections between the Exodus, the final redemption, and the Book of Revelation. Through Exodus 10:1-13:16, Jeremiah 46:13-28, and John 19:31-37, Sherry examines the plagues of Egypt, Pharaoh's hardened heart, and the ultimate deliverance of God's people. This session highlights the significance of the first Passover, the blood of the lamb as a sign of redemption, and its fulfillment in the Messiah, Yeshua. Sherry also uncovers the prophetic parallels between the judgments of Egypt and the end-times plagues described in Revelation. Discover how these scriptures provide a powerful message of hope, faith, and God's faithfulness to His covenant people. Keywords: #SherryLush #AlphaAndOmegaMinistries #TorahPortionBo #Exodus101316 #Jeremiah461328 #John193137 #TheExodus #PassoverAndRedemption #MessianicProphecy #EndTimesPlagues #BloodOfTheLamb #FinalRedemption #GodsDeliverance #AlphaAndOmegaTeachings
Saturday, January 25, 2025
Join Sherry Lush from Alpha and Omega Ministries as she explores Torah Portion Va'Era, revealing the prophetic connection between the Exodus, the End Times, and the battle of Gog and Magog. Through Exodus 6:2-9:35, Ezekiel 28:25-29:21, and Luke 11:14-22, Sherry uncovers how God's deliverance of Israel from Egypt foreshadows the final redemption of His people. This session highlights Pharaoh's hardened heart, the great signs and wonders God performed, and how these events parallel the coming confrontation between the nations and Israel in the Last Days. Sherry also examines Ezekiel's prophecy concerning Gog and Magog, demonstrating how God's judgment and sovereignty will be revealed to the world. Discover how these ancient scriptures speak directly to our time and prepare believers for what is to come. Keywords: #SherryLush #AlphaAndOmegaMinistries #TorahPortionVaEra #Exodus62935 #Ezekiel28252921 #Luke111422 #GogAndMagog #EndTimesProphecy #FinalRedemption #GodsJudgment #PharaohAndHardnessOfHeart #PropheticFulfillment #MessianicHope #AlphaAndOmegaTeachings
Saturday, January 18, 2025
Join Sherry Lush from Alpha and Omega Ministries as she explores Torah Portion Shemot, unveiling the prophetic connections between Moses, the remnant of Israel, and the Last Days. Through Exodus 1:1-6:1, Isaiah 27:6-29:23, and Matthew 2:1-12, Sherry examines God's faithfulness in delivering His people, the calling of Moses, and the foreshadowing of the Messiah's redemption. This session highlights the oppression of Israel in Egypt, the rise of Moses as a deliverer, and the parallels to Yeshua's mission. Sherry also delves into the significance of God's name revealed to Moses and the calling of believers to stand firm in faith during these prophetic times. Discover how the Exodus story speaks directly to our generation and God's unfolding plan for redemption. Keywords: #SherryLush #AlphaAndOmegaMinistries #TorahPortionShemot #Exodus161 #Isaiah2762923 #Matthew2112 #MosesAndTheLastDays #GodsRemnant #PropheticFulfillment #MessianicRedemption #FaithAndDeliverance #GodsCovenant #StandFirmInFaith #AlphaAndOmegaTeachings
Saturday, January 11, 2025
Saturday, January 4, 2025
Join Sherry Lush from Alpha and Omega Ministries as she dives into Torah Portion VaYigash, exploring Joseph's emotional revelation to his brothers and its connection to God's ultimate plan of redemption. Through Genesis 44:18-47:27, Ezekiel 37:15-28, and Luke 24:30-48, Sherry unpacks themes of reconciliation, covenant, and the fulfillment of God's promises. This session highlights Joseph's role as a savior to his family and the parallels to the Messiah's mission of salvation. Sherry also delves into Ezekiel's prophecy of the two sticks, symbolizing the unity of Israel and Judah, and the restoration of God's people. Discover the profound lessons of forgiveness, divine purpose, and the unchanging faithfulness of God in this powerful teaching. Keywords: #SherryLush #AlphaAndOmegaMinistries #TorahPortionVaYigash #Genesis44184727 #Ezekiel371528 #Luke243048 #JosephsRevelation #PlanOfRedemption #MessianicProphecy #GodsCovenant #UnityOfIsrael #RestorationOfGodsPeople #ForgivenessAndReconciliation #AlphaAndOmegaTeachings