Shalom One and All. We are praying that you are all prospering in your faith and finding many mitzvot to do durIgn this season.
Kislev is the first of the winter months on the Biblical and is a known as a dark month. Darkness is the perfect back drop for light to shine through, and we celebrate the miracle of Hanukkah beginning Kislev 25! The power of Light over darkness is remembered during the 8 days that we celebrate the miraculous burning of the eight candles in the Temple Menorah that burned with only enough oil for one flame to burn one day.
The Light that burned in that Menorah was especially meaningful as a terrible war had been hard fought and many lives lost. But a small Jewish army had defeated the powerful Syrian-Greek military forces. At the end of the war Jewish fighting men walked into the desecrated Temple and found one flask of oil that could be burned for one day. However, that one flask of oil miraculously continued burning for eight days!
At Hanukkah we remember the power of light over darkness, and we proclaim that our G-d reigns. May we overcome darkness with His Light and overcome evil with His Goodness and Love. He created us to be world changers. Let's go light up the world!
Blessings! Shalom! And HAPPY HANUKKAH to you all!